“my bf and i broke up for college”



My BF and I of a year broke up because he went to college and I’m a senior in hs. We had the best past year but when he got to college he partied every night and didn’t make time for me. I decided to end it but I’m still so in love. Help where do I go from here

Our advice:

I know this is hard but I think you made the right decision. You deserve someone who is obsessed with you and is willing to put forth effort. My favorite analogy to use is the food while driving analogy. Say you are driving and decide you are hungry. You are going to see a bunch of restaurants and might even say "Well this looks nice but I'm not 100% sure if that's the one I want." Eventually, you are going to see one and know that's the one you want. when you've found the right person, you will both have that feeling and will both put in effort to make it work. If he didn't do that then he is not the right one. Stay strong girl! you've got this! there is someone out there who will be worth it!


“we never dated”


“how do i get over a breakup?”