“we never dated”



Any advice on how to get over a guy that you never even dated?

Our advice:

We understand that it can be difficult to get through a breakup, but even more so when you never even technically dated. It’s a confusing time, but it’s important that you don’t invalidate your own feelings. Just because it wasn’t official, doesn’t mean it hurts any less. It's okay to grieve and express your pain. Try talking about it with friends or someone you trust. It’s even beneficial to write about it in a private journal or diary. As long as you’re expressing your feelings, it should be easier to face them as time goes on. 

It’s also important to mention that you should not keep tabs on the person you’re trying to get over. Don’t check his social media, don’t try to purposely run into him, and don’t ask your friends and other people for updates on him. This will only hold you back from moving on since he is continuously on your mind. It’s better to let go and occupy your mind with something else. Spend time with friends, meet new people, and find new interests or hobbies to better engage your time!


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