“i’m switching schools my senior year”



Hello! I switched to a new school and it’s my senior year. I don’t know many people, and i’m struggling to reach out and make friends with them there. My classes are mostly boys, so I feel kind of lost. I have anxiety about reaching out to others, but I really need the connection. Any advice?

Our advice:

Yay to your senior year! I am a senior this year, and I hope it's going okay for you so far. Switching school sucks, but think of this as a new opportunity. Starting fresh can be good! 

If you are struggling with reaching out and making new friends, an idea is talking to your classmates (girls or boys), and making jokes about the lack of girls in the classroom. It's a great sentence starter, but also shows that you are funny and confident! 

Another way is joining clubs. This way you get to know about your school, and also meet new people along the way. 

Just know that you are loved, and to be yourself <3. 


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