“growing up has been hard”



Hey! So, i am turning 14 pretty soon and i just don't know how to feel about it. Growing up has been hard and i feel like i've been hit by a truck. I started my period this year, guys started cat calling me, and im just uncomfortable in my own skin? How do i cope with all of these sudden changes that come with getting older?

Our advice:

I TOTALLY understand how you are feeling. Growing up has caused me so much heartache and physical pain it literally hurts. The only bad part about that is that growing up is inevitable. Right around your age, you start getting some of the negative consequences of being a young woman and less of the struggles of being a kid. It's difficult and confusing and that's okay. I can't give you perfect advice, but I can definitely tell you what has been helping me recently. Focus on the positives of growing up! You now get to experience Friday night lights with your friends, you will start learning how to drive and get your license, and you will get to go to high school dances. There are a lot of super fun things in your future so work on looking forward to that rather than grieving the past. I would also say to live in the moment. Sometimes, you spend so much time worrying about the future that you miss the present. Make the most of your time and maximize the happiness in your life. Make the future something that excites you, not something you dread. Also, remember all those past versions of yourself are still with you. Every little moment in your life wrapped up unto one creates the incredible human you are this second and that is pretty amazing. I hope this helps give you a different perspective and that you make the most of the time you have while you have it!  Thank you for reaching out! If you need anything or want to update, feel free to contact us :).


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