“i like him but i don’t want to ruin our friendship”



I have this boy friend, not a “boyfriend”, but a boy that's a friend. I’ve liked him since the first grade and I think he's amazing. Not cause of his looks, but because he doesn't try to fit in and is just himself. Should I tell him? I feel like if I tell him and he doesn't feel the same, the friendship is over but if we date and break up, the friendship is also over. What do I do?

Our Advice:

It seems that you are in a pickle. If you have liked this guy since first grade and the feelings have never ended, then that’s a sign. You both are single, and I think it would be a great opportunity to communicate how you are feeling. It would be harder to keep it in for years to come. 

However, if it doesn't work out, try to keep the friendship going! I've had many experiences where I’m still friends with exes and boys who didn't feel the same way as me. A friendship does not have to end because of your feelings if you don't want it to. 

Whatever you choose to do, just know that everything will be okay in the end. We you! 


“should i go for my friend’s ex?”