
I was best friends with this girl from the start of lockdown to the end of 2022 when I told her boyfriend that she was making inappropriate comments about his best friend. She would say things about his body and compared him to her boyfriend all the time when we were on facetime. There was once when she even thought of breaking up with her boyfriend, but I don't remember exactly why. Her infatuation with this boy was strange to say the least. She would talk about him for a week, get an ick or a weird vibe, say she didn't like him, and less than two weeks later be back at it again. Her boyfriend's best friend never flirted with her, never made any moves, so I always told her to let it go because she was already with someone. At some point I decided I'd tell her boyfriend if she mentioned liking him again. It was already December and it had been going on since the beginning of October. I had hope for her because she hadn't talked about him for a while.

We were sitting in class when she tapped me on the shoulder to whisper "They're back, Econ."  This was a common way she'd say her feelings were back again. She even called him "Econ"  because not only did the three of us, her, the friend, and I, had economics together, but also the rest of her boyfriend's friend group. I messaged her boyfriend to talk to me away from everyone else and laid out the information I had. I showed him screenshots of text messages with other friends' testimonies who I didn't know knew about her crush (I assumed I was the only one who knew). He took it well and confronted her, but they ended up staying together. Later that day, my ex best friend texted me that she wanted to talk and we met up the next day. She tried to claim it was "water under the bridge" and we'd continue being friends, but she started telling a twisted story of how she never said those things about her boyfriend and his friend and now I made it up because I was having trouble connecting with someone romantically ever since my widely-public break up the previous spring.

After this, a lot of our mutual friends stopped hanging out with me and even though I knew to hold my own truth, it still hurt my feelings that they didn't even bother to talk to me about it. This led to me unfollowing most of the people I knew in highschool after I graduated because they started leaving me out of pictures and hang outs, even going as far to take pictures with my ex boyfriend's new girlfriend who likes to talk bad on me all the time (yk, petty stuff like "I'm the upgrade"). I did talk to a few of these mutual friends who I was particularly close with about my side of the story, and only two agreed with what I did. I didn't even agree with what I did by the time I talked to them about it because I realized it wasn't my place to butt into someone else's relationship with news that could mess up their trust. Her boyfriend is a sweet guy who would do anything for her and I felt bad that I might've ruined things for them. I could see them going far together because they had the same laidback attitudes on life.

Towards the end of the year, I started focusing on myself because I was uncomfortable not really having friends anymore. I started reconnecting with friends I hadn't hung out with for a while and one day was with my now ex best friend's old best friend before me. She told me that this girl has these manipulative skills because she's the youngest of her family and her family enables her to walk over people. Everything she has, everything she's "worked for" was basically given to her by her parents. According to her, she's lied about her job (freelance art for graphic t-shirts), her family, and her past relationships. It's to the point I didn't even know who I was hanging out with all those years.

Only after we graduated did I find an old text message that served as solid proof she was talking about another boy other than her boyfriend. She was smart to only say things over facetime or in person so I couldn't go back and find proof, but I found one from when she went on a break from her boyfriend. Said something along the lines of "We're on a break, but I don't like I like *redacted* anymore", basically proving that she was thinking about it. Otherwise, why would she say something like that. Too bad we're no contact. I've moved on and we're attending different colleges. I don't have friends at college, but I'm glad I'm not enabling some girl to lie about her entire life.

