How To Make Friends in College

I am currently in my third year of college at a university an hour away from my hometown. If you’re like me, you grew up in the same place and went to school with the same people for 12 years, so it was easier to make friends. My graduating class (of 2020 yikes) was a little over 300 students. I am now on a campus that is made up of thousands and thousands of students. Barely any of my friends from high school went to the same college as me, so it was a completely fresh start when I got here. Here is my advice for those looking to meet new people and form lasting connections in college. 

1.) Go to Orientation Events

It is common for freshmen to be presented with far more opportunities for bonding activities than any other year. Universities will hold a lot of events to make freshmen more comfortable and familiar with the campus, so take advantage of this while you can! You will meet a lot of people in the same boat as you, and sometimes it forces you to socialize. 

2.) Join Clubs

You can do this at any year, but the sooner you join a club, the better. This will give you the chance to meet people with the same passions and interests as you, and usually, it’s the same people in the club every year. The more you see someone, the more familiar you’ll be and the more likely you are to form a connection with them!

3.) Apply for a Mentor

In my experience, the clubs I have joined have offered mentors for new members. This allows you to meet with one specific person and talk about whatever you’d like or whatever you need help with. Sometimes, schools will offer overall mentorships for incoming freshmen and give them an opportunity to connect with upperclassmen. 

4.) Talk to Your Roommate 

If you’re living on campus whether it be a dorm or apartment, you can reach out to your roommate, suitemate, floormates, or even RA. Growing closer with one person will lead to you being introduced to their other friends, and suddenly you know way more people at school than you did before. If your roommate or anyone living on your floor has invited you to an event, take this as your sign to go! 

5.) Reach out to Classmates 

Don’t be afraid to turn to the person next to you in your lecture hall and introduce yourself. It seems awkward I know, but I usually do this in every single class so I have someone to reach out to when I have questions about the work. Other people are usually willing to talk because they’re open to making friends the same as you are! Sometimes professors will put you in groups as well, so use this to get people’s names and numbers, even make a group chat. It will help!

6.) Join Your University’s Reddit Community

This may seem a little strange, but I have a Reddit account I use to post on my college’s community page. Once, I posted a picture of my dorm room to my university's community, and so many people commented and asked to be friends. I’ve made a lot of friends by communicating through Reddit, but you should always make sure who you're talking to is actually who they say they are. 

Navigating college and friendships can be a bit tricky and intimidating, especially if you're starting fresh in a new environment. Remember that making friends in college is a gradual process, and it's okay to take your time. Focus on building meaningful connections, and you'll create friendships that can last a lifetime. There is no better time than now for personal growth and building a supportive social network!

  • Taty ❤


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