how i’ve found purpose and make a difference in my life and others

It’s human nature to constantly be seeking ways in which we can not only enhance our own life, but the lives of those around us.

Our entire existence is a mystery — one that feels almost arbitrary in the grand scheme of the universe — but I think within this fact, all of our existential dread and overthinking can be quelled.

This might sound ironic, but it’s truly all in your perspective.

If you view us being so small in comparison to the world around us as a basis of our compiled worth, then yes, this piece of information makes our hearts, minds and souls seem unimportant. But if you view it as an opportunity to utilize the short time you DO have on earth to live with love, hold gratitude for every moment (both good and bad), and positively impact those around you — our physical size is simply a vessel for our infinite potential.

It genuinely took me so long to realize the importance of perspective on my everyday life, and how it affects my perception of human purpose and the people I interact with. But we have so much more control over how we feel than we think we do.

The quote, “Life is 99% how you react and 1% what happens to you” seems so cliche, but it’s also so accurate.

I’ve stopped viewing seemingly “bad” experiences or situations as negative, and rather as something that will teach me important lessons. I view fleeting memories or people as blessings in my ever-changing timeline, regardless of their permanence. I view my mistakes as ways in which I can grow, rather than a poisoned part of myself, and I’ve practiced being grateful for absolutely everything that happens to me.

This is so much easier said than done, because it’s our initial reaction to feel emotions based on our external reality. But once I’ve gained a sense of inner-peace, and am able to effectively remind myself that good times will come and go, that when love leaves my life, it’ll always return later in another form or that I NEED bad experiences and to make mistakes in order to become the best version of myself — it’s become so much simpler.

Finding purpose isn’t about being famous, having millions of dollars, or “success” (in whatever facet you believe achievements lie) — it means feeding your soul and making the most out of your life.

And this is completely different for everyone, which is possibly the most important thing I’ve learned about purpose.

It takes a while to find out what your purpose is, but it starts with finding joy in the small moments. I’ve learned that purpose isn't found in the overarching plot of your life — because there simply isn’t one. Purpose is found in the underrated, in-between moments that we often take for granted.

Purpose is found when you're sitting around a bonfire with your best friends and feel their love as though it’s something pallpable Purpose is found in laughing till your stomach hurts, and singing to song lyrics in cars. It’s found in your lows which allow you to be even more grateful for your highs, and it’s found in the people you’ve impacted.

If purpose is a painting, the meaning behind your life is integrated through each individual brush stroke. It’s in the colors you can only see when you squint really hard at the canvas, rather than in the first glance at the finished piece.

I’ve found that when I realized more about what MY purpose was, I’ve been able to make a more prominent difference in the world around me.

I’ve realized that one of the things that brings me the most happiness is making other people feel good, which is partially why Girlhood is such a significant outlet for me. I’ve become a better friend, a better sister and a generally better person.

Finding purpose and understanding how we can make a difference in the world around us isn’t something we can fully understand just by reading a single blog — even I know I have so much more to learn about both these aspects of life.

But it starts with your perspective and how hard you choose to try to understand yourself and what makes you happy, fullfilled and the best version of you.


What Being a Girl Means to Me


the importance of complimenting those you love